Give Kids a
Brighter Future

Support Financial and Economic Education Today

three teens laughing

Join a community of compassionate and determined donors who are helping to create equal access to financial and economic education.

Interested in the advancement of a specific program?

CEE offers a wide-range of programs to support teachers and help students shape their futures. Find the program you’d like to get behind.

Other ways to give

Donate by Check

Send your check to this address:

Council for Economic Education
122 East 42nd Street, Suite 1012
New York, NY 10168

Tax Information

CEE is a 501(c)3 corportation

Contributions to the Council for Economic Education are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law

Donate Stock or via Wire Transfer

We also accept donations by stock, money order, and wire transfer.

Planned Giving

Gifts made through wills, retirement plans, trusts, and life insurance allow you to plan your giving for the future in a manner that helps CEE to continue its mission, while also maximizing tax benefits and financial flexibility for you and your family. Planned gifts can provide either current or future tax benefits. CEE is happy to work with you and your financial advisers to establish the appropriate gift and gift vehicle to our economic education foundation.

See the Work We’re Doing

View the Summer 2023 CEE Report
View the Winter 2023 Summer CEE Report
View the Summer 2022 CEE Report
View the Winter 2022 CEE Report
View the Summer 2021 CEE Report
View the Winter 2021 CEE Report